Drums for bottle-soaking machine
Drums for bottle-soaking machine
Parts for bottle-soaking machine
Spare parts for rinsing machine
Spare parts for filling machine
Spare parts for filling machine
Spring for filling machine
Gaskets for filling machine
Gaskets for filling machine
Gaskets for filling machine
Components for labelling machine
Components for labelling machine
Components for capsule sealer
Bottle grippers
Spare parts for bottle grippers
Suction cups
Suction cups
Components for tomato processing
Stainless steel components
Gaskets for stainless steel fittings
Vibration dampers
Complete equipment
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Design, development and production of technical items
Standard components  |  Custom-designed items  |  Co-engineering and moulds  |  Assembly of moulded components

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Spare Parts Department

Corima has a well-stocked warehouse of spare parts. Please do not hesitate to ask for the part you need.

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  • Corima S.r.l.
  • Quartiere Romitaggio n° 19
  • 43010 Bianconese di Fontevivo (PR) - ITALY
  • +39 0521 61 53 62
  • info@corimaparma.it
  • V.A.T. NUMBER 01980290348


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